It’s not every day you get to hob-nob with and take classes from great authors (Dan Wells, Aprilynne Pike, David Farland), agents and editors (Laura Rennert,Nephele Tempest, and Krista Marino), and tons of other fabulous authors and aspiring ones.
Suffice it to say, the Storymakers Conference was AWESOME. With the Bootcamp critique groups in the morning, I was there for 12 hours a day. It rocked my socks off and squished my brains out.
The main things I got out of it? 1. My story sucks. 2. The reasons why my story sucks 3. How to rewrite my story without suckage.
It was simultaneously stimulating, exhausting, inspiring, fascinating, and a whole heck of a lot of fun. If you’ve always thought writing conferences weren’t worth the money, I’m going to tell you flat out that you’re WRONG. I got fabulous critiques on my first chapter from the fabulous Dan Wells (and some great group members) as well as professional agents and editors. I made friends with other writers struggling with the same things I am. I was taught, inspired and empowered by some fabulous teachers. I met those who have made it, and made it very well. And I came home on fire to be a better writer– and with the tools to do so.
My final words: Go to a conference, young man (and woman).
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