We all have writing goals. Sometimes we meet them, sometimes we don't. I was talking to my critique group last night about my goal-- I want to do a NoWriMo (novel writing month) in June-- writing at least 2,000 words a day. And they want to do it with me!

So...how about you?
For JuNoWriMo (June Novel Writing Month, of course!), you don't have to pump out a 50,000 word novel in a month. Pick a writing goal-- any writing goal-- it can be that you want to write 1,000 words a day all month. Or that you want to spend 1 hour a day pounding out your revisions. Or that you dedicate at least a two hours a week to your writing. Whatever the goal is, we'll support each other in it!
So here's the deal. If you want to join on your blog, sign up on the MisterLinky below and then post about your goal and link back here. Every Saturday (and anytime in between that you want), post an update on your goal progress so we can all follow along.
And for those of you on Twitter, we can have conversations about it whenever we want. Use the hashtag #JuNoWriMo, and you'll find support and help from your fellow JuNoers.
So far, you've got a friend in me, Rachel Giddings, Joel Smith, and Kevin Smith! Let's reach for our writing goals together!
Well, I don't know about 2k words a day, but I'll give this thing a go! Given my current work load, I'm thinking 750 words a day. We'll see how it goes!
I'd love to be done revising by the end of June...I've got 14 chapters left to go, and five weeks, so that's like three chapters a week. Doable, right?
Just the thing I needed to get me going! I've been dilly dallying with this book for far too long. Now I need to think of a goal that is doable for me.
Oh, dear. This is tempting. Really, really tempting. I'm trying to finish a book before I pitch it to agents at a conference, and then I got a plot bunny for another book and I can't make it go away.
Just yesterday, I was thinking about how badly I wanted November to come because I love NaNoWriMo and I need it to get rid of this friggin' bunny. Maybe this is a sign?
I have a suggestion: on the NaNo website, they have tons of forums, and that was my favorite part of the system. We can use them for June. That would be an easy way to interact and keep on top of one another, and then we can have profiles and whatnot.
Not that I'm for sure going to do it... I'll think about it.
Yay, I'm glad to have some other people interested! Looking forward to hammering through our goals together. :)
June is a crazy month for me, so I'm going to think about it before jumping in, but I think it's a great idea!
Best of luck with your goals!
Love to join, but I have to finish my wip by the end of the month. While I'm working away, I'll be thinking about y'all.
I wish I could do this! I could do a JulyNoWriMo, but in June I'm traveling to Hong Kong, so I *know* for a fact I won't be able to crank out huge word counts. It would be fun to do this with a bunch of people. Usually I have an experience like this (alone) around April, but it would be fun with a group. Maybe next year? :)
Yikes. I don't know if I can commit to that! :)
But, I've given you an award!
You can pick it up at: http://www.margokelly.blogspot.com
I'm in! My goal will be to write 200 words a day! I'm not sure how it'll turn out, but at least I'll have people cheering me on! :)
Great idea, Shallee!
Yes! I'd like to join in actually. My goal is to write 3000 words a day and finish my WIP by June 10. Then spend three weeks of hardcore editing to produce a polished draft by the end of June.
This is an insane, probably unattainable goal for me, so I need some super motivation! JuNoWriMo will be a big help, I think. Great idea Shallee!
Great Idea Shallee. I'm in! My goal may be to spend 1 hour a day revising and 1 hour a day plotting and/or writing next book.
I'm in too. A 1,000 words a day sounds good to me.
I'm in! My goal is to write four novels in a month. It's probably going to result in a lot of hair pulling, but I've got a whole month of too hot summer blankness. I'll just make the best of it. :)
I'm in! Haven't decided what my goal will be as of yet. I'm still in the outlining process. Will comment again tomorrow when I've decided!
I'm going to echo some of the sentiments on here already -- this is just the thing to get me going! I'm not sure if 2,000 words per day will be doable for me either, but one can hope.
For now, I'm just going to say that I'll be sure to WRITE SOMETHING every day in June. You can be sure I'll check in with my progress, too, whatever it might be!
Yay for JuNoWriMo! Found this on twitter, and it could not be more perfect timing for me.
My goal is 1,000 words a day. Eeep! (This will be good for me.)
Let the adventure begin!
Wonderful idea! I came upon this by way of my friend and just signed up. Hopefully it's all right to be a day late.
My goal: ten hours per week plotting and/or writing my novel. It's a small goal, but one I might actually be able to make around other commitments. :)
Best of luck, everyone!
That is, I came upon this by way of my friend Annie, who just signed up... strange. I thought I'd included her name in that comment. :)
Nothing like a great goal and a bunch of buddies all cheering each other on! Here's my goal(modest, because June is looking brutal): 500 words/day or 3000 words/week.
calliekingston (at) gmail (dot) com
Hi Shallee, I found your page through Madeline at Capricious Existence--I'm doing NaNoWriMo later this year, and when I saw your June thing, I got all excited. (Why not write two novels in one year?!) I have to crunch some timetables, but tentatively count me in. This sounds fun, and I'm lovin' the blog!
How fun! I did this last year--in June, but never thought to share. I'm going to revise my 2nd novel (15 pages a day) and enter at least 1 *publishing credit worthy* writing contest. Best of luck to everyone else with their goals!
Okay, the whole committment thing scares the heck out of me, but hey. . .I'm game.
I'm pegging my goal at 1000 words a day. I've got to get my WIP finished before I head to the RWA national conference at the end of the month, so here I go.
Thanks for putting the challenge together, Shallee!
h/t to <a href="http://www.jennasthilaire.com/2011/06/surprise-thursday-post-junowrimo.html>Jenna</a> for putting me on to this. Grassroots writing movements--love it!
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